HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sausalito to San Francisco

Happy 35th Birthday to me!!! 
Today we went on a family excursion to Sausalito and took the ferry to San Francisco.  The weather was a little wet but the kids had a blast.  The boys especially loved the ferry and everyone was in awe of driving over the Golden Gate Bridge. 

I have to admit the ferry is a very fun way to travel.  I could definately get used to traveling more by boats myself. 

Sausalito iteself is a cute little town.  Must come back this way again and explore.
Here we are on the otherside.

We docked at Pier 39 in SF and hit the Hard Rock Cafe for a rockin birthday lunch.

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1) Birthdays
2) Fun adventures
3) Living near big cities like S. F.

Easter weekend beach side

The weather was a little gray this year but we did not let that dampen our fun.  All five of the littles participated in the coloring of eggs and the outdoor hunt.  We had a yummy breakfast brunch and enjoyed time on the beach and walks after dinner. 

It was a nice weekend and always so fun to see all the cousins together.

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1) Enjoying another Birthday
2) Homecooked meals by my mom
3) Time to be together
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