HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Facing the last day of 2011

Today is gorgeous.  We are at the beach, which is my very favorite place to be.  It has been a good day, good weekend.  This is the absolute perfect day to hang up 2011 on. 

As far as the year goes, it hasn't been a bad year, just a very busy one.  I haven't had as much free time as I would have liked especially with 3 kids now in elementary school. I certainly haven't spent a moment on any of those personal goals I had put forth for myself 2 years ago when I started this blog.  I'm okay with that too, as I sense that time is coming soon.  I did choose instead to give all of myself to my kids' school.  It has been a good experience and there have been plenty of rewards; being with the kids, getting to know the staff better, seeing what is up and coming and getting the opportunity to meet and know more families in the community.  Next school year I will need to find more of a balance between home, family, myself and school just so those other areas aren't entirely neglected.  Which brings me back to the present.

Standing here today, watching my family in the surf.  Feeling the sun and wind's breeze, while the water laps at my feet.  Breathing it all in and taking a respite from the busy school year and the X-mas holidays. I'm feeling calm.  And I'm thinking that just maybe, 2012 is going to be a good year, a more balanced year.

3 Things I'm Grateful for:
1) This amazing place
2) Respite
3) New Beginnings

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