HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ready for Kinder!!

Today was the last day of junior kindergarten for Bubba.  The teacher invited families to come to a ceremony for the students as she said wonderfully nice things about each of them and gave them each a certificate saying they had completed Jr. Kinder and told them they were now ready for Kindergarten.  It was a lovely ceremony with lots of smiles and a few happy tears shed.

I can't believe how fast this second part of the year has gone.  Bubba in December asked to change from his beloved outdoor preschool to go to big kid school like his brother.  I'm a big believer in play as long as possible but when this little boy kept begging for me to send him to big kid school too, I listened and the school graciously allowed us in mid year.  It was a big change for him, which I knew it would be. He cried a little at the beg of each day at drop off and would sit in the lap of one of his teachers until he was ready to be on his own but he still he wanted to be there.  It was hard for me and him, but I'm so proud of him.  His preschool was in the afternoon and because that school had a mandatory carpool program I didn't want to let my carpool down with one less driver for the rest of the year, so he continued that program 3 days a week as well and graduated from his preschool a few weeks ago.  It was a lot of work 2 schools in a day, but he did it and I did it.  I'm so amazed by my little boy and  I feel so blessed to be a part of his life and watch over him.  This little boy makes my heart sing!

His grandparents are here to cheer him on as well.  We are all so proud of how hard he has worked this year.
3 Things I'm grateful for:
1) We made it through the year
2) My little determined boy
3) My family support

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reflecting, remembering...

There are places in the world that just the sight of them will always touch my heart and make me grateful for that time, for those experiences, for those memories...

3 Things I'm Grateful for:
1. My children's first teachers, first school
2. My children's love of nature
3. My memories


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