HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Crafting gifts

The boys have been weaving furiously for months now with no desire to stop that we decided to incorporate it into our teacher gift giving.  Here are the completed gifts, belt, christmas ornament, wreath pin and a bracelet.

Boy wonder is trying a smaller french knitter and crochet thread.   He is making a bracelet with beads for his second grade teacher.

Bubba has two teachers and made an orament for one and a belt with fringe beads for the other. 

I have no photo of Busy girl as she and I worked on her teacher's gift earlier.  She made a patterned wreath out of beads and had help with the bow and pin.

They each wrote nice messages in their cards and momma tucked in her own gift card of appreciation as well. :)

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1) Our wonderful, hardworking teachers
2) Children that love to craft
3) Spending time together


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