HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Daddy, Dogs and Rain

This is a familiar site at our house when the rain comes down.  Our doggies do not like to get wet and will hold it all day just to keep from going outside.  Eventually, daddy walks with them and keeps them company, encouraging them to be quick.  Such funny doggies we have. If they made doggie litter boxes I think my dogs would use them.

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1) Daddy is so nice to take them out and wait so patiently
2) The dogs never have accidents
3) CA doesn't get that much rain

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zoo Today

 When your kids are little, you spend a lot of time doing activities that they would love.  We had a beautiful day so we joined family and went to the zoo with a picnic in tow.  The kids had a blast visiting with the various animals and reptiles. We enjoyed the change of scenery, getting outside and visiting with family. 

 I wonder what they both are thinking as they appear at one another through the glass.  What do you think?

When I see these 3 giraffees walking peacefully through their enclosure, I'm reminded that my 3 kids are more wild than the wild animals at the zoo.

3 Things I'm Grateful for:
1. Time together as a family
2. Fun outdoor places to explore
3. Knowing the kids will sleep well tonight

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Busy Girl's first trip to Disneyland

 This trip was almost rescheduled. The weather prediction included lots of stong storms and left us unsure of how fun a trip that would be with three small children.  We were also staying far off property and were concerned with the distance and shuttle service especially in the rain.  At the last moment we decided to just go for it and play it by ear. 
We are so glad we went for it because...she loved it!

My busy girl had a blast and was easy to manage. It helped that the rain storm scared most folks off. Doesn't it look like we rented out Disney for the day?

Busy girl was unsure of the characters at first but seemed to be especially drawn to Minnie Mouse.
Boy Wonder shows off his new monorail pin on his lanyard.

Dumbo was one of Busy girl's favorite rides. 


 Until next time!!

3 Things I'm grateful for:
1)  A fun trip to Disneyland
2) A baby that is easy going and loves to be on the go
3) Rain, for it kept the crowds away

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Valentines

The kids worked so hard on their Valentine's for their classmates. It was a great activity given it was raining so hard outside.  It was hard not to be giddy watching them with the paint, glitter and glue.   They are so proud of their masterpieces.  And of course, I helped a little too.

 3 Things I'm Grateful for:
1) 3 cute kids to love 
2) Having lots of glitter, glue and colorful paper
3) A vaccuum that works well


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