HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Meeting the Mouse

We spent our Memorial week down South visiting the famous mouse that resides in the Happiest place on Earth. It's always such a treat to be there. The kids really enjoyed themselves. The one funny thing I really noticed this trip is that my daughter is a Disney character stalker.  It's quite funny to see your children so taken with these characters. As soon as she spotted one she was off. She loved seeing them, taking photos with them, touching them, hugging on them.  Even if she had no clue who they were...which was most of the time.  She did know who Minnie Mouse was and this character especially was a favorite.  A girly sounding mouse that wears pink...I guess what's not too love?  She didn't even mind waiting in line to see her (and yes everytime Em saw her we stood in line) and everytime after the greet it was like pulling teeth to get her to leave her...she was just so fasincated with her.  And no fear...she would approach them on her own...even the giant bear named Balou from the Jungle Book.

3 things I'm grateful for:
1. Kids that love Disney almost as much as me
2. Eating out...yum..yum
3. Being part of a family

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