HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Missing you...

Hello there Grandpa, It's me, your grownup girl.
Thinking of you as usual and missing you today.
It seems like only yesterday, you had to go away.
The leaves have turned once again, it's been seven years today.
Won't it ever get easier, missing you this way?

I think of you fondly and happily many times but on today it is always so much more painful to think of you.  How can it be 7 years and still be so hard?

I miss...your sense of humor, your outlook on life, your laughter, your teasing, and even your rare temper tantrums.  I miss riding with you, watching you work, watching you fish, even watching you play solitare with that worn out deck of cards.  Oh, how I wish I had those cards.  I miss pulling on your big ears and kissing your nose.  I miss our connection and how you got me.  I miss learning from you and being with you.  I miss our family and my childhood.  I miss you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wilder Ranch Hike

Today was one of those very rare and uncomfortably hot days in Northern California.  Let's be honest..California weather is so wonderful we as Californians ever rarely complain about it except when it has rained 2 days in a row or the temperature has reached into the mid 90's. As the temps neared the 100's we decided to head for the coast and visit Wilder Ranch. Ahhh...so much better with a cool breeze!  Hitting the trails today hoping to make it far enough to reach the fern grotto caves.

The kids did well.  There was lots of silly games and chit chat. Their own cameras came along and they took lots of shots along the way.  Their energy held out and we made it to the fern grottos today. Lots of beautiful shells were found as well.  Hikes always include a chocolate granola bar or something of the like which is a great motivator at times when the energy is running low.  Today nobody remembered it, so that's always a good sign of a fun time.

At the end of the hike we walked down towards the farm house.  There is a great tree in the front yard that the kids have always loved climbing from way back to their preschool days. After our hike we hit the downtown Santa Cruz for a dinner of pizza followed by ice cream at the Penny Creamery.  My most favorite ice cream place with lots of yummy homemade organic fun flavors that change daily. 


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