HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Journaling has been a great way of documenting the every day. It's easier for me to sit down at the end of the month and review what I found was important enough to write about and oddly at the end of the year those will be the moments I most remember. Unfortunately I have to make time to write and in addition think of something note worthy to say.

When life is hectic I find there are gaps. Days turn into weeks and pretty soon months have passed. What have I been upto? What has kept me so busy to be away? Just busy day to day stuff that thought about collectively doesn't seem like much...carpooling to school, school committments and committees, deadlines, bills, appointments, meetings, projects due, playdates, birthdays and parties, new babies. All of this has taken me away and kept me busy too busy to have enough energy to sit and think about my days. So many days pass so quickly.

We are nearing the end of school now and some days it's hard to think back and remember what happened to us in a week. The summer days are getting warmer and longer. My outlook is looking up. I've almost made it through another school year. Hooray for me! Soon, I will have more time in the summer to play and just be. Bubba is already out and in just 7 more school days my oldest will have his kinder year behind him. I hope to have more time for reflection and possibly fill in more of the gaps.

3 Things I'm grateful for:

1. More time with Bubba and Busy Girl now that Bubba's school is out.

2. Having a wonderful time at Bubba's 3's class Culmination Party.

3. More playdates with friends.

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