HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Favorite Moments in a Day

I do love routines. I find I'm one of those boring people that thrive on what's familiar in my everyday. I like to have schedules and know what's coming up when. I'm not good with surprises or change. I'm just a conservative person by nature. However, there are other times when I feel too locked into a day and my routines feel tedious, boring and sometimes unpleasant which in turn leads me to feel overwhelmed, unhappy and stuck. So to help myself get over that I decided to look for the moments in the day that I cherish and I'm grateful for.

My first favorite moment...standing in the shower and feeling the hot water pour over me. I usually wake up feeling exhausted from lack of sleep and this first moment of hot water in a very cold bathroom in the dead of winter gives me the strength to open my eyes just a little. I could stand there for hours in that moment.

Second favorite moment...when I get to walk into each of my children's bedrooms for the first time and greet them to the new day. Most of the time my children wake up very happy and love to see me. It's my chance to be with each of them by myself for the first time of the day. I love this moment.

Other favorite moments...picking out my daughter's hair ties, walking outside for the first time of the day and breathing in the fresh air, drinking my cold chai tea and milk, checking my email, getting a magazine in the mail, waiting for the moment that BW walks out his classroom door and makes eye contact with me, getting hugs from Bubba, playing with my youngest two at the park, holding my daughter in the sling as we walk her brother to his class, seeing my daughter waving hi to me in the window when I drive in the driveway, my mom surprising me with leftovers so I don't have to cook that night, stepping out of the car at mtn school and breathing in that wonderful fresh air, watching the boys excitedly run up the hill to school, having the house to myself during naptime, having alone time with each of my kids, watching them play together happily, having just cleaned the house and feeling content, cuddling on the sofa with Morgan or James and checking my favorite blogs, watching the hand strike 4pm and waiting to hear the garage door open for hubby to drive in, snuggling with my kids at bedtime, climbing into bed at night knowing I'll finally get to sleep now, sleeping in on Sat mornings, looking forward to the weekends, eating a yummy breakfast, having a clean kitchen, watching the kids sleep in their beds, dreaming about fantasy vacations, watching a favorite dvr'd show at the end of the day, decorating my house in my head.

Ahh..I needed that today. To just remember what I love in those small moments that make up a day.

Do you have favorite moments in a day?

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