HAPPILY EVER RANDOM: Go ahead and take a bite...Just my thoughts on absolutely anything and everything. The sky's the limit.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Did you make any new Resolutions this year?

I did, like usual. I have a list of resolutions and like every year I'm very hopeful, almost giddy at the thought of starting a new, getting a do-over, trying out things in a different way. It's a brand new year and I'm thinking it's going to be a good one. It's an odd year this year so it's bound to be good. How I love my odd numbers.

So...you ask...what's on my list?

1. To live a more simplified life.
2. To live with more gratitude.
3. To be more thankful.
4. To live a healthier life.
5. To focus a little more on me.
6. To be more positive.
7. To spend more time with family.
8. To spend more time with my girlfriends.
9. To spend more time with just my hubby.
10. To be happier.

I have taken a good long hard look at myself both inside and out and realize that I'm not so in love with this girl I'm seeing. Over the past few years a little more of myself has been neglected.  It's time to put me back on my to do list. Fix up this old girl who really isn't that old. I need a little more joy in my heart not just for my sake but for my family's too. And I believe the ticket to my happiness is being more positive, simplying my life, living with more gratitude, eating better and exercising again and making a little more time for me. It's time. We've only got one shot at this life and I'm ready. Now...I just need a plan of how to do all that.

I think I'll begin by ending each post with 3 somethings I'm grateful for. 3 of course being my favorite number.

I'm grateful for my hubby making dinner for us tonight and then taking the rambunctious bunch off to run it out in the playroom so I could have an hour of alone time.

I'm grateful I've finished paying bills for this month and won't have to do it for another 30 days. (I really hate to sit down and pay bills and then go to the bank afterwards. )

I'm grateful I thought to look at the gas tank today while I was running around and realized I was on E for empty. That would have been a disaster tomorrow on the way to school with a car full of kids.

Hey..your turn..what's on your list of resolutions?

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